martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

my favorite photo

 The museum's day

Well, this photo it so special for me, because
that was one of my favorite days until today. My best friend, Catalina, and I went to the museum, that was the first time that she go to a museum, we took a lot of pictures that day, I teached her the museum (because i always going and I knows by memory) and we laugh to much that day; but this photo was taking by my mom, we had to wait that the guardian go for other part becuse the exhibition can't be touched jajaja; I like this photo because reemmber me our friendship and the happy that we are when we are together, I like the happies that we looks and I fell that in that moment we have the world in our hands, that we can do everything that we want if we are together and we rely on the other. My best friend mean so much for me, she was always for me since we meet, she is a really good friend and I thinks that she is the only one person that meet me a 100% and bear me, she stayed with me in my worsts days and she is always in the betters. I hope that she never go of my side and in 10 or 20 years more we can see this picture together and laugh so much remembering how we runed after the guardian of museum follow us for touch the planet (that is the reason for the picture is blurred). Just like that we have a looot of photos and videos of us getting into troubles, I love her a lot and love the stupid that she is.

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