martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

My career


Like I say in my biography, always I wanted to study Veterinary, Since I had memory, I love the animals and always I had a lot of them, when I was little I always be around of animals, My first dog was a gift of my parents when I had three years and his name was "buster" (he die in 2010 sadly).

But when I was chaned of school, I wanted to study Teacher of language because I love read and write (Always I have wanted to write a book, but I wouldn't do because I'm embarrased) I had a strong friendship with my teacher, He showed me the world of the teachers and the fantastic that would be be a teacher. In the same case, I wanted to be teacher of chemistry too, because since the first time I had Chemistry in the school I falled in love of the class, Always I teached to my classmates, I always stay with my teacher out of class talking about chemistry and I went to Olympics of chemistry (yeah, so nerd). But when I had to choose I decide Medicine veterinary because always, always was my dream, also the career has chemistry too (a little but has) and I thought that if I study Medicine Veterinary I can would to pay the other two career later.

For now, I am in love with the career, It's so difficult but so beautiful too, some classes likes me so much and other... well, I am learned to love their too. Always I thinks that when finish the career I will travel to Africa and work in the nature reserves with the biggest and wild animals but if I won’t I would like to work in a zoo with the exotic animals. And between that, study language and chemistry.

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. i like chemistry too, maybe we can investigate more.

  3. We have the same "dream" to accomplish after university :) i hope that we both can do it in the future
