martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

My favorite gadget

My favorite gadget

Hi all!

I choose my laptop: Because I use it to study, see movies and do everything that I need. I love that I can do so much things in my laptop, like listen to music, save photos and videos, enter to a lot of pages and use the skipe. Well, now I have two laptop, the new have only one week with me, my father and grandfathers gift it to me for the University. I still learning like use it.

  My old laptop was a gift of Piñera (Jajaja) it's a joke, was a "gift" of the state for my good grades and for my economic situation, It's a really good laptop, That was 7 years ago and works good until this days, always I used it for the school and for do a lot of homeworks. My father gift me other because my old laptop it's the only latop in my house and always my sister and I fighter for his, sometimes we needed to do homeworks on the same time and was a very bads moments.
Imagen relacionadaIf I had to imagine how my life would be without it, I’d say that it would be horrible, I won't has where work and study, I won't see my series or movies,  maybe I would going to a friend’s house to use their computers, and I would see movies and series on the TV ( Thing that I hate).

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