martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

My pets

                                                          💜 MY  PETS 🐶🐱

Justin and Chimuelo, They are very good friends.

I have 11 animals: 4 cats and 7 dogs. The cats's names are: Swaggie Bell, Chimuelo Lemebel (For the writer) , Justin Bieber and Abby Chocolota (all of them have last name); for other part my dogs's names are: Ticha, Charlie, Bella, Oso, Nicky Pompas, Lulú and Glenn (his name is for the character of The Walking Dead, LOL!)  Casimiro. Unfortunately my Cat Chimuelo it was lost two weeks ago, I still hope to finded him. 

Ticha, Oso and Bella.
Well, My pet more older its my dog Ticha, she have 8 years, My mom give me her when my old dog "Buster" died and she make my world more happy when she arrived, I always will be graterful with her for that, she was rescued from the streets. She is the mom of Oso and Bella (Oso have 2 years and Bella only 6 months) and the father is Charlie ( I adopted him because he was going to be sacrifed and I couldn't permit that). They Are a family now. I love how crazy their are.

Gleen, Nicky and Lulú.

 For other part Gleen, Nicky and Lulú are other family, Gleen is the father (it's the most lazy dog in the world, like me! That is why I love him, also I love him because I love go to walk with him), Nicky the mom (they two was adopted)  and Lulú the little (literally) daughter of them. 

My baby Justin

 For other part my cat more older is Swaggie, she have 6 years, she is a very very angry cat, she hate the people but I love her (I love the unpleasant that she is). She is the mom of Justin, who is the all contrary of his mom, He is a love, He loves people and he loves that the people do him care (he have 4 years and I love to take naps with him).


Chimuelo was rescued from the streets, I find him the night of my birthday when I went to bought somethings with my friends, He was alone and it's was raining that night, I couldn't leave him there, I taked him and carred to my home, that was 2 years ago... I miss him so much.

Abby "studing" with me.

And finally, my cat Abby is a baby of my other lost cat "Coca Cola", she was losted, when Abby have only weeks of born, I had to feed she and her brothers (They were 7 kittens) for a long time, sadly her brothers couldn't survived without their mom and died days after that Coca was losted. She was the only surviving and I stay with her in memory of her mom and brothers... Now she have 5 months and she it's the most crazy cat in the world, she always want to play, She and Lulú have a good relationship, they are always  together. She is my little baby and I love that she follow me for all part, I love study with she by my side. 

All my animals are very specials for me, They makes me very 
happy and always I laugh of they and the things that their do.

What are she doing there? We don't know,
but she look very peaceful😆😆
Abby with Lulú.

2 comentarios:

  1. my friend i hope that appear your cats chimuelo :c , i love abby crazy same is that you

  2. Wow, you have a Lot of pets 😍 i really hope that chimuelo appears 😔 he is so nice
