domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018

Last blog

My experience

Well, well I do not know what to say ... This is not my first blog (I have other since 2015) so nothing of this is so new for me, in spite of both are so different and a lot of time I don't know what exactly of what talk here; I like talk about my pets and my favorite places (also about my favorite photo because its so important for me) but many time I didn't know what exactly talk, for the same, it was so difficult and stressing for me this blog. A lot of time I like the topics, In my case I would put other topic like favorite animals, favorite artists and things about my career (like explain anatomy or histology).
 English for me it's so important and write this blog helped me with my gramma and for learn some words that I didn't know, in that case, I liked to did the blog,  but for other part In my particular case, never like me the idea of go early to the university for do blog when I can did it in my house, a lot of times I wanted to stay in my bed and don't travel two hours:( but I always love the class and for that I always go,  in spite of I love the blog and the idea to do one, but in my house hahaha. For other part I thinks that is a better Idea do the blogs in the begginer of the class because a lot of time we can't finish them in the class or do the comments and I forget do them after:(.
Was a good experience do this in English and I liked to knew about my classmates.
I was so complicated  many time and this last blog give me a peace so big! But I will miss do this so much!

So, Good bye everyone !!!!!

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

My favorites places


Imagen relacionadaWell, I like so much go to walk, in Santiago I have two favorites places to do that: Forestal park (with the neighborhood Lastarria) and The St Lucia Hill. Normally, I go to the park first, I like to see the trees and always are a lot of beauty dogs (a lot of pugs), Always I carry a blanket to put in the grass and stay there reading a book, its a really pacific place. My mom always carry me there when I was little for that I have a lot of happy and beauty memories there, its a very important place for me. After that I go to the neighborhood Lastarria to walk and buy food (It's so tasty there), I like Lastarria because have a lot of old arquitecture and things artistic (have a fair where sells books and paints). Finally I go to the St lucia hill, I love to climb and see the city from the height (Sometimes I read there too). Sometimes I go only to the Hill, to see the landscape with a coffe. I like to go when I am stress or I fell bad (also too when I fell happy) , that three places make me so happy and relax me.

For other part, Out of Santiago, I like to go to Cartagena, I Love cartagena more than any other place, I go since I have memory, I love the beach, I love the climate, I love the city and I love the memories that I have them ( Mostly happy and funy memories with my grandma). When I go I am the most happy person in the world, Always I lunch at 12 pm and after that I stay all day into the sea until are the 6 or 7 pm. In the night I go to the terrace with my family or to the bingo with my grandma. I love all the days that I am there.

Resultado de imagen para cartagena chile

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018

Favorite subject

Imagen relacionadaFWell, this semester I don't have a subject that I really really like, All of them are very stressed and difficult; in this time of the year, the only thing that I want about them is would approve all and go to vacation. Also that, the last semester I really like "zoology", here we see a lot of animals and them classification, for example, arthropods, mammals, hemichordates. I loved to learn about them and them lives (them habitats, alimentation, defenses), also we had practices where we studied someones of these animals (like spiders, fishes, langoustines). I really liked went to this classes and study that subject also that, this subject was so difficult to me because It's necessary a lot of memory (obviously, I am like Dorys of finding Nemo, my memory it's terrible) but I had to study a lot (reading and making resumes) and I can approve the subject very well.

 For another part, The last semester and this I practice Football in the female selection of the faculty, I really really love play football, play make me happy and all the stress go out when I am in the soccer field, there is nothing else more relax that put the ball. I hope to play for a long time and make me a better player.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Dian Fossey

Fossey, Dian
Dian Fossey with Puck, a mountain gorilla, in Volcanoes National Park,

Dian Fossey

Dian Fossey was a zoologist best known for researching the endangered gorillas of the Rwandan mountain forest from the 1960s to the '80s, and for her mysterious murder. 

Primatologist and naturalist Dian Fossey was born on January 16, 1932, in San Francisco, California, and grew up with her mother and stepfather. Developing an affinity for animals at a young age, throughout her youth, Fossey was an avid horseback rider and an aspiring veterinarian. However, after enrolling in pre-veterinary studies at the University of California, Davis, she transferred to San Jose State College and changed her major to occupational  therapy.

Fossey, Dian
Dian Fossey with a young mountain gorilla in Rwanda, c.early 1980s.
 While working as an occupational therapist, Fossey became interested in primates during a trip to Africa in 1963. 
 She visited a camp operated by the famous research scientists Louis and Mary Leakey.  The Leakeys were best known for their studies of the development of human ancestors.
Fossey met with Louis Leakey and discussed the importance of scientific research on the great apes.  She decided to study mountain gorillas, which were in danger of disappearing.  Later on her trip, she traveled to the mountains of Rwanda.  This is where she first saw mountain gorillas.

Resultado de imagen para dian fossey bookShe formed a small force to help guard mountain gorillas against humans.  She destroyed traps used to catch the animals.  She threatened the hunters and the people who helped them. National Geographic magazine published a report about her efforts.  Many people who read the story sent money to support the campaign.

n nineteen eighty, Fossey left Karisoke and accepted a position at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.   There, she began to write a book about her years with the mountain gorillas.  Her book was published in nineteen eighty-three.  It is called "Gorillas in the Mist."  By then, there were only about two hundred mountain gorillas in the world.

Dian Fossey made a large number of public appearances to publicize her book and the efforts to save the mountain gorillas.  Then she returned to Rwanda.  On December twenty-sixth, nineteen eighty-five, she was found murdered at her camp.  A few days later, her body was buried near the remains of some of her gorillas.

 Three years after her death, a major American motion picture based on her book was released. It is also called "Gorillas in the Mist."  It helped tell her story to millions of people around the world.

Dian Fossey kept a written record of her daily activities.  She wrote: When you understand the value of all life, you think less about what is past and think instead about the protection of the future.

Dian Fossey loved her work and used her research to help save the gorillas and their environment.  Today, the mountain gorilla population is increasing. Some people have said that without her efforts the animals would no longer exist. 

Imagen relacionada

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018


Well I love to watch movies, I see 5 or 6 in the weeks, normally at the time of the dinner with my family or alone in the night, I love all the tipes of movies, Terror, romance, action, etc. I love go to the cinema too, I go 2 or 3 time at the month. I have a lot of favorite movies like 'The vow', 'Your name', 'LOL', 'love, Rosie', 'Taken', 'Ragnarok', etc. But if I must to decide, my favorite is 'The greatestshowman'.

Imagen relacionadaI don't like the musical movies, normally bored me so much, but this movie touch each part of my body when I see it, The music, the colors, the history, (Zac Efron), all the movie it's so beautiful. I always love the movies about circus or things like that. This history like me so much because the protagonist is like me, he is always fighting with everything only for do his dream true and the form that he see the world and the people. Is a beautiful and emotive film.